about the dogs

The Yellow Dog Jazz Band, located in Tallahassee, Florida, is a third generation traditional Dixieland revivalist group. The Tallahassee Yellow Dogs trace their immediate ancestry to Robin Wetterau's Yellow Dog Jazz Band of the 1980's and 90's, based in Bradenton, Florida. Our founder, Aaron Ferral, was a member of the Bradenton group for two years starting in 1998. Through Robin's mentoring and the generosity of Robin's wife, Gerta, after Robin's death in 2000, Aaron left Bradenton armed with copies of Robin's music, a lot of Yellow Doggedness, and a desire to start a Yellow Dog group of his own. This dream became a reality in 2008 with the founding of the current Yellow Dog Jazz Band.

Upon Aaron's departure from Tallahassee in 2010, cornetist and arranger Mike Grant took over the leadership of the Yellow Dogs and we're still carrying on in the Wetterau tradition. Welcome to Dog heaven!

For more Dixieland revivalist geneology click on our Revival link.